Lycaste macrophylla x skinneri


The Lycaste is a genus that predominates in cool weather zones of countries like Perú y Brasil.

This is a hybrid between the Lycaste skinneri, wich is characterized by its pastel colors, with the Lycaste macrophylla  that has darker colors. This is why this orchid have flowers that combine aspects from both species and it’s easy to see its beauty.

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The Lycaste genus have orchids native  from the zone that goes through CubaPerú and Brasil, generally they are found  in different cool weather zone even though there are a few species that can be found in cost zones, therefore milder weathers.

Common Name

In some countries the Lycaste are known as "White Nun".  This name is frequently used in the Lycaste skinneri.

  • Híbrido

    Lycaste macrophylla x skinneri


This is a hybrid between the Lycaste macrophylla, native to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia; with the Lycaste skinneri that can be found in countries like Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras.

Plant Care

Irrigation - Substrarum


Substrate size


Lighting - Temperature

K, L, O

Las plantas pierden sus hojas anualmente, en ese momento se ponen amarillas y caen. Eso es normal y no debe asustarse. Durante ese periodo puede reducir el riego al mínimo.

Cuando está creciendo con brotes, hojas y flores debe regar abundantemente. Son plantas tolerantes a una gama de luz amplia y crecen bien en el piso.

Detalles de Envío

Local (Panamá)

Planta será enviada en una canasta o pote de 6" con el substrato usado por la especie. Son enviadas sin flores. Puede que sea enviada sin hojas dependiendo de la temporada.


La planta llegará a raiz desnuda sin sustrato y sin hojas grandes para evitar estrés. Si tiene un brote pequeño nuevo se enviará con este.