Stanhopea wardii


The Stanhopea is a genus that has around 50 tropical american species.

The main characteristic of this genus is that its flowers grow hanging downwards. Its big and spectacular flowers have a peculiar shape, also they one of the most interestingly perfumed of all the orchids, with the cost of a short lifetime of the flowers. But it produce florescence continuously.

The Stanhopea Wardii has a pastel yellow color with some small red spots and two big brown spots wich give the flower an insect aspect, it also has a very pleasure fragrance.




The Stanhopeas genus has around 50 species that grow from Mexico to the north of Argentina. They live in high moisture enviroment.

These orchids call the attention of the people because of the form of the flower and its fragrances.

Common Name

It's Known as Ward's Stanhopea

  • Specie

    Native to Nicaragua, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia and Venezuela


The Stanhopea wardii was first described by Joachim Conrad Loddiges ex John Lindley in 1838.

Plant Care



Substrate size


Lighting -  Temperature

J, K, N, O

Las plantas pierden sus hojas anualmente, en ese momento se ponen amarillas y caen. Eso es normal y no debe asustarse. Durante ese periodo puede reducir el riego al mínimo.

Cuando está creciendo con brotes, hojas y flores debe regar abundantemente. Son plantas tolerantes a una gama de luz amplia y crecen bien en el piso.

Detalles de Envío

Local (Panamá)

Planta será enviada en una canasta o pote de 6" con el substrato usado por la especie. Son enviadas sin flores. Puede que sea enviada sin hojas dependiendo de la temporada.


La planta llegará a raiz desnuda sin sustrato y sin hojas grandes para evitar estrés. Si tiene un brote pequeño nuevo se enviará con este.